venerdì 17 agosto 2018


Passion for literature runs in my family since I was a child.
I enjoyed playing with my little friends all the day long, but my favourite moment was in the evening, just after dinner, when my father used to read for me.
It was amazing when I went to the Treasure Island, or when I saw Mowgli rising up with wolves in the jungle, or flying over Neverland, trying to escape from Captain Hook.
But, like all the child – because I’m not Peter Pan, even if I would like to be him – I grew up and storytelling came to an end.
So, I decided that literary world would never finish for me, and I kept reading: literature became my passion and books my world. A world I’ve never been disappointed with. Neither when I graduated in Environmental Engineering, because when I was in Dublin for my Erasmus Programme, walking along the streets, I thought in a stream-of-consciousness way like Leopold Bloom, or when I fall in love with my boyfriend, because I felt like Elisabeth Bennet in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
And today, when my son asks me to read Harry Potter, like my father with me, I come back time and space in my fantastic world where even a Muggle like me can perform magic.

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